The Take Care Tips
Wellness Membership

The Take Care Tips Wellness Membership makes self-care simple by guiding you with the plan and support you need to take little actions that will get you big results!

Does this sound like you?

  • It's a struggle to calm my mind. I'm not even sure I know how to do that anymore.

  • I work so hard, but I'm frustrated because I never seem to be able to get everything done.

  • I feel guilty putting other things aside to do something just for me.

  • I want to start taking better care of myself, but I don't know to where to start.

  • I've been taking care of so many other things that I've lost touch with myself.

  • I feel overwhelmed and could really use some guidance and support in life.

Let's change that, together.

"Jen's workshops and talks have been an incredible source of insight and support. You can tell she speaks from experience. I can't wait to experience the same level of care and guidance in the Take Care Tips Membership."

-Mary Ellen

"The activities are practical and easy to add into my daily life, and I love the support from Jen and the community. It’s really helped me to realize I CAN make time for myself!"


“The self-care strategies make it easy to learn about new ideas and try them out to see how they work for me. It’s good information and it’s all in one place. It’s motivated me to pay more attention to how I’m taking care of myself."


I've been where you are, and I understand.

My name is Jennifer Antkowiak, and I help people take care of themselves while taking care of others.
I created the Take Care Tips Wellness Membership because during my nearly 20 years of giving self-care talks and workshops, I've learned that truly supporting people to make positive changes in their lives isn't just a "one time thing."
A space for ongoing guidance, support, and community is needed now, more than ever before.

Creating a positive, welcoming, safe, comforting space where people can connect, share, and have the ability to receive consistent guidance and support has been a dream of mine for years.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce:

The Take Care Tips Wellness Membership

This membership is the next step in your wellness journey, and I believe it will transform the way you approach self-care.

You'll finally have a clear plan for how to prioritize your well-being in your busy life. And, by putting the manageable, yet powerful tips into practice, you'll feel happier and healthier. will have the strength you need to care for all those you love, in the kind, patient way you want.

Each month you'll receive:

  • A monthly self-care focus, broken down into 4 weekly themes, which makes learning interesting and easy.

  • Two live, interactive Zoom meetings that will wrap you in support. If you can't make it - no worries, replays will be available.

  • Support materials like checklists, guides meditations, recipes, and more for your Take Care Tips Toolbox that will help you put what you've learned into action, and start feeling the positive changes within yourself.

  • A growing resource library of easy-to-access classes and workshops.

  • Ongoing support through a private online caring community.

Services like these are priced at $100 each, which would make the monthly package price $500 or more. But, we're all about breaking down barriers to self-care, and we understand that cost can be a very real barrier. With emotional health concerns increasing, more and more people suffering from stress and burnout, and a "loneliness epidemic", the need for positive guidance and inspiration is great right now, and we want to help. So, we've created pricing with the intention of serving as many people as possible.

Exclusive, Limited-Time Founding Member Pricing

Join now for just $37/month!


When is the best time to start with self-care?

Now. Seriously! I know how easy it is to push your own well-being off, saying that you'll get to it as soon as you're done with (fill in the blank). But, guess what? There will always be something waiting to replace whatever it is that you filled in. Waiting for the perfect time just isn't the best strategy, because "the perfect time" isn't really a thing. When I created Take Care Tips, it was because I knew I needed to fit self-care in to my day, while I was also juggling a full time job outside the home, caring for our five young children, and being a family caregiver. I didn't think I possibly had the time to take on one more thing. So, I broke it all up into little, manageable pieces, and I started feeling better, fast! I noticed I had more energy, I was felt happier, healthier, and more focused. I want that for you, too. Start now!

Can I get a refund if I decide the Take Care Tips Wellness membership is not for me?

I'm committed to helping you, and I put a lot of time, energy, and love into the resources I create. Due to the nature of the membership, because it is an online offering, refunds are not given. Please make sure you are happy in investing in the program before you get started.

How will I be supported?

My goal is to have you feel a lot of support from me, and from others in the community. We'll get focused with a monthly self-care theme, and then a guided path to help you improve in that particular area. There will be a good balance, so you'll learn, be able to put some little action plans into motion, ask questions, and feel the results. Having a whole month of focus is important so you don't feel overwhelmed or rushed, and also so you have the time needed to start building some healthy routines. You'll get full access to everything as long as you're in the membership. You'll have your own private portal where your resources will be organized for you. The 2x per month group calls will launch the month's focus, and allow for questions and answers and group coaching. The community group itself will be another source for discussion and support.

© Copyright 2024 Take Care Tips

Please be advised that the support and guidance provided through the Take Care Tips Wellness Membership are intended to enhance your self-care journey. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any specific medical concerns, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider. Your well-being remains your responsibility, and while we are committed to your holistic wellness, we strongly recommend seeking professional medical guidance when needed.